Uplifting lives through sustainable energy
BAFS Group held Afforestation Activities
“BAFS volunteer…Add the forest, Fulfill the happiness” at ATCE 1-2 Solar Power Plants.

On 2nd August 2022, BAFS Group planted 4,000 various selected trees at ATCE 1-2 Solar Power Plants in the Project “BAFS volunteer…Add the forest, Fulfill the happiness” which are located at Sri Maha Pho District, Prachinburi Province.
Mr. Woraphan Suwannus (Governor of Prachinburi Province) and M.L. Nathasit Diskul (President of Bangkok Aviation Fuel Services PCL.) presided over the opening ceremony along with Mr. Pongsit Nerngchamnong (Vice Governor of Prachinburi Province), Deputy Governor, District Chief of Sri Maha Pho, representative from local government and staff of BAFS Group attended the activity.
The afforestation activity is aimed to create more green space, increase Carbon sequestration and expand Oxygen supply including instilling environmental consciousness to mitigate climate change and global warming.