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The Company provides channels to receive complaints from third person and its employees including actions taken upon receipt of complaint. As well as the Company stipulates measures to protect and maintain confidentiality of complainants.


The company provides whistleblowing or complaint channels in case of any suspicious breaches of its Code of Conduct and laws as well as corrupt behaviors and unequal treatment as follows:

  1. Superiors of all levels who are trustworthy.
  2. Mail to:  Chief Executive Officer

BAFS Clean Energy Corporation Company Limited
349 SJ Infinite I Business Complex Building, 10th Floor Unit 01-03,
Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Chomphol, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900

  1. E-mail:
  2. Corporate website:

In this connection, the Company does not support its employees in whistleblowing or filing their complaint to mass media or social network which is another channel other than those specified above.


Upon receipt of complaints, the Working Group or the assigned officer shall collect, verify and analyze information, establish corrective and preventive action procedures and measures to alleviate damage to those affected, conduct data processing to report results to the complaint receiver and inform Whistleblower/ or complainants for acknowledgement as well as report such results to the Managing Director, the Executive Chairman, the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors, respectively, as the case may be


To protect rights of whistleblowers or complainants or cooperative persons, The company conducts the following:

  • The company shall not disclose names, addresses, photographs or any other information of whistleblower/ complainants and keep relevant information confidential.
  • Whistleblowers or complainants who get distressed or damaged shall receive fair and appropriate treatment.
  • The company shall provide protection to employees who file a complaint or cooperate or avoid corruption without any penalties and accusations as well as shall not demote or reduce salary although such actions will cause the loss of business opportunities.

In case of finding that any employee acts against the Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy, such employee shall receive disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Company’s Policy and Regulations Manual regarding discipline and disciplinary penalties. Employee disciplinary actions ranges from oral warnings to suspension or termination of employment without sorting in ascending order, which depends on final approval made in accordance with Delegation of Manual of Authorities. Such employee shall be undergoing legal punishment in case his/her is also against the law. Moreover, employees can seek advice on compliance with anti-corruption measures from their supervisors in hierarchical level or the Corporate Governance Working Group or the Manager of Regulatory Compliance Division, of which shall not disclose any information.


The company shall notify result of investigation to whistleblowers/complainant within 30 days after completion of the process.

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